Friday, June 6, 2008

Where in the world would YOU go?

Where in the world would you go if money was no object?

I think that I would enjoy travelling to every continent and getting to see just about every attraction in every country. I know that's not specific, but when you know that money would be no object, you open your mind to the limitless possiblities. You dream about far-away places that you once saw in a movie, magazine or book. You remember the scenery and wonderment and the idea of being their is indescribable.

Now, for most of us, money IS an issue. We have to budget for one short vacation a year. We need to allot time away from work and align it with the kid's school vacation. We pay off our credit cards, just to max them out on the vacation of the year. With all the stress of preparing for the vacation, trying to do 100 things in 7 days and going to back to 'real life', it is no wonder that many people rarely get to take a vacation at all.

So, it's no surprise that when people do seek out a way to 'get-away', they look for the least expensive way to do so. Discount vacations with pre-paid packages in tucked away locations, just so they can enjoy a little bit of their time off from the 'real world.' Dozens of websites offering discounted travel, discounted car rentals, time-shares, etc. pop up everywhere.

Then, comes the home-based business opportunities that sell the opportunity to make money AND travel anywhere, anytime, at a pretty discounted price. Well, that sounds great! RIGHT?
However, considering the price people will pay to travel, the start-up costs for businesses like Coastal Vacations and YTB (Your Travel Biz) can be quite hefty. But, of course, there are the referral commissions and discounts to travel.

Unfortunately, over time, what the Marketing industry has seen is that many people pay their hefty price to get involved with one of the many travel home-based businesses available, but then struggle to find others to do the same. Apparently, there are a lot of people out their desperate for a vacation, but lacking the money to partake in one. Surprised? Not me.

My own family would have to pay quite a hefty amount to travel anywhere, because we are a family size of 7. Most packages are for 2 or 4 people and we aren't about to leave anyone behind. I never bothered taking a look at the potential opportunity of working with a travel business, because I just didn't have the up front cost, and don't know anyone else that does either. Many of the people I know have many children, as we do, and could really benefit from a nicely priced package, but just don't have a ton of money to spend.

Now, I am NOT knocking any other business opportunity in the travel industry at all! I think that when an individual finds a business that works for them, it's a blessing. I truly believe that providing a product or service to accomodate the masses is very important. I just wonder if the high ticketed programs are really looking to benefit the people in need of their services, or to benefit themselves.

To tie this all together: I believe that many, many people NEED a vacation. I believe that the same amount or even more people NEED money. I believe that you can truly build a business based on other people's wants, needs and desires. I also believe that too many marketers look out only for themselves and therefore add one plus one to equal BIG money in their own pocket.

So, since you probably WILL need to worry about money when planning your next vacation, please be sure to do your research and look for the best package for YOU. If their is a potential to operate a home-based business in the process, do your research. Make sure that you can align yourself with a mentor who will work with you in a mutualy beneficial relationship. Map it out a bit and make sure that your monthly business costs are small, and that your potential income is larger.

We all need to get away from 'real life' sometimes, just remember, when you get's still going to be there. Don't sink yourself in to a sand pit that you don't have the map to get out of.


Joy Marino

Joy Marino is a Mom, wife and entreprenuer. Mrs. Marino's mission is to help others find the right business for them, with full mentoring, support and training to be successful. If you are looking for a travel business, please consider taking a look at the Unselfish Wealth Team by visiting and consider it as an option.

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